Policy on Personal Data Protection

To us, your privacy is paramount. When you use our website or one of our other properties, ActiveView Inc. – Register Number 99-1090535 will treat the information you provide about yourself with the utmost care and privacy. To better serve you, we will only ask for personal information when absolutely required. We will collect it in a fair and lawful manner if you help us. We also make clear why and how we use the data we gather. We will only retain the data for the duration necessary to provide your service. Using commercially acceptable methods, we shall protect your data against loss, theft, unauthorized access, disclosure, copying, use, and modification. We will not share your private information with other parties unless we are compelled to do so by law. Links to other websites may appear on ours.

We have no say over the information practices or content of any linked sites. Some of the services you’ve requested may not be available to you if you refuse to provide the personal information we’ve requested. Our privacy and data protection policies are effective as of the date of your last visit to our website. Get in touch if you have any questions about the way we handle user information and data.

Registration Number 99-1090535 for ActiveView, Inc. Baking goods
Like other professional websites, this one makes use of “cookies,” which are little files that are transferred to your computer, to improve your experience. Learn more about the data they gather, how we put it to use, and why we keep cookies around on this page. Please note that disabling certain cookies may ‘break’ some functions of the site, but we will explain how to do it nevertheless. What We Do With Cookies We use cookies for the reasons listed below. To make matters worse, disabling cookies on this site would also deactivate all of its services and operations, as is the case with most industry standards. When in doubt as to whether a particular service requires cookies, it’s best to leave all cookies enabled.

Turning Off Cookies To stop your browser from saving cookies, go to your browser’s settings (or look in the help menu). Disabling cookies may cause this and many other websites to operate differently. Many services and functionalities of websites become inoperable when you deactivate cookies. It is not recommended to disable cookies.

Cookie Use

We use cookie use to manage your account Upon account creation, we use cookies for both registration and administrative purposes. Although these cookies are typically deleted once you complete your purchase, some may remain in order to preserve your preferences on the site. Login cookies “Cookies” allow us to remember your login information.

You won’t have to log in each time you visit a website thanks to this. Typically, these cookies are deleted after you check out in order to restrict access to certain sites and services. Updates about cookies If you sign up for this site’s newsletter or use its email subscription service, it may use cookies to keep track of your registration status and whether you want to show notifications to just subscribers or let people unsubscribe. Purchases involving cookies Some cookies are required by our e-commerce and payment systems so that we can keep track of your purchase across all of our sites and process it efficiently.

Surveys pertaining to cookies If you’re interested in interesting insights, helpful tools, or just want to know more about our user base, you may find our occasional surveys and quizzes handy. Cookies may be used by these polls to keep track of respondents or to ensure accurate results when the user navigates across pages. Data pertaining to forms Pages that allow users to leave comments or contact us may use “cookies” to save your information for when you return to the site. Preference cookies on websites To ensure that you have an excellent experience, we provide you the option to modify the way this site operates. If you want us to keep track of your preferences and use them on every website you visit, we need to use cookies.

Intermediary Cookies On occasion, we may use cookies from reputable third parties. Here is a rundown of the third-party cookies that this site uses. Google Analytics, widely recognized as the best analytics system, is used on this site to track user behavior and provide suggestions for improvement. For the purpose of providing you with engaging content, these cookies may track your activity on our site and the pages you see. For more information on cookies, see the official page of Google Analytics. In order to ensure that we are consistently producing engaging material, we use third-party analytics to track site visitors.

For the purpose of making the site better, cookies may track how many pages you see and for how long you remain on the site. We sometimes make adjustments to the site’s delivery and try out new features. To provide a consistent user experience and to determine which optimizations are most popular, these cookies may be used while testing new features. We need to know how many people purchase our items, therefore these cookies will keep track of that data. This helps us keep an eye on advertising and product spending so we can provide you the greatest prices and make accurate predictions about future trends in the business, both of which you appreciate. You may also link your social networks to our site with the help of plugins and symbols. Some social media platforms, such {List the social networks whose features you have linked with your site, may use our site to install cookies that improve your profile or aid in their data collection for the reasons stated in their privacy policies.

Extra Details I hope that clarifies things. Just a heads up, if you’re not sure whether something is necessary, it’s better to leave cookies enabled just in case it impacts how your site works. Effective date of policy is April 20, 2024.